Full Price - 11:11 Köln

from €1,500.00
sold out

27th February - 5th March 2025

This 6-day trip is an ode to traditions, the history of photography and German design like you have not read in any book.

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KÖLN 11:11


KÖLN 11:11 -


Full Price (€4500):

OPTION 1: One payment of 4500€
OPTION 2: Payment of €1500 at the moment of purchase, a second payment of €1750 30 days after the first one, and the final payment of the remaining €1750, 60 days from the time of purchase.

You will receive the next payment links by mail. You will have 5 days to make the payment

*We have a strict cancellation policy that will be applied in case of late fee payments.

If you want to get all the information available about the trip: what is include and not included detailedly, the daily agenda and more, sign up here for your dossier. Also you can check the links below with more info: