X-Ray of a Photo: Wes Anderson Color

X-Ray of a photo is a series of 9 hour workshops where I choose an author and we disect its work as if we were X-Ray machines looking beyond the obvious. It’s about learning through the understanding of a group of images and how they relate between themselves specifically in a formal aspect. In this case it was Color. Of course I make it personal, adding everything I’ve learned and experienced about color through my 46 years as the daughter of a painter and an architect, as an industrial and graphic designer, as a photographer and as an avid observer of life and the world that surrounds us.

The first workshop was about William Eggleston, the second about Wes Anderson and the third one will be Luigi Ghirri, starting September 5th, 2023. Each workshop is completely independent from the other, but I believe that all of them together will bring any photographer to a very different approach to color in its photography and a more creative and assertive use of it as a composition element.

Wes Anderson composes each frame of his movies as if it were an illustration and masters the use of color to guide the viewer into deep emotional states. I could have talked for weeks about this, but managed to prepare 3 classes full of images and rich conversation where the most important concepts within the theory and psychology of color were introduced.

Carolina Perez Luna for X-ray of a Photo: Wes Anderson

The thing with Anderson is that each one of his movies has a unique palette of colors masterfully crafted and executed throughout the movie. So I asked the photographers as the assignment for this workshop to bring a series of photo with a common color palette, here you can see some of the results.

Rebeca for X-ray of a Photo: Wes Anderson


X-Ray of a Photo: Luigi Ghirri Color


Down By The River. March 2023