no.01: roadtrip, etc.

The definition of road trip is simple: a journey made by car, bus or motorcycle. It has taken me years to be able to name this space. To find the right term for a big bubble of mixed emotions, those that trigger my creative process and the need to take pictures.

To me it’s not related to wheels on the ground but to a way of living and connecting with my surroundings.

Its funny how I’ve completely lost a lot of my childhood’s memories, but I can vividly feel the air and hair on my face while on the road with my mother, car windows open, on our way to the beach or the mountain or wherever. Cars had no seatbelts back then.

I don’t remember destinations, I just remember that feeling of freedom. I also remember stopping for gas and eating in those places where everyone is just passing by. It was the early 80’s, I must have been 5 or 6 years old.

The Roadtrip is the universe where I revolve, it’s a feeling, a way of living. And Roadtrip, Etc. is a phygital (physical + digital) space for me to create and share experiences and ramblings for curious photographers who trust the spirit of the asphalt to alter their perspective of everyday life.

Hit the road, Jack.


lababuch /france 2024


paris photo /france 2022